Destinos turísticos

      • Chilgapsan Ice Fountain Festival (칠갑산 얼음분수 축제)

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    “Gather, fairyland friends!” Chilgapsan Mountain Winter Wonderland, a magical place where fairy-tale characters gather within an alpine castle crafted from a grand ice fountain. As night descends upon the Alps Village, the castle opens for nocturnal festivities, allowing visitors to don vibrant attires under the twinkling stars of the Milky Way. It’s an enchanting destination for children to create cherished memories and an idyllic setting for a romantic winter date for couples

    Lugares cercanos ¡Aquí le dejamos algunos destinos recomendados en los alrededores! Las atracciones dentro de un radio de 50 kilómetros están ordenadas según su cercanía.
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